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Rezultati pretraživanja

Broj rezultata: 1

Autor:Flaker, Aleksandar
Naslov:Književne vedute ruske, mletačke
Matična publikacija:Vizualnost : [zbornik znanstvenih radova] / [urednici] Aleksandar Flaker, Josip Užarević; str. 93-108
Impresum:Zagreb : Filozofski fakultet : Naklada Slap, 2003
Sažetak:Taking the concept of panorama fromhistory of art (the founders of panorama in painting are Venetian painters) and applying it to literature, we define it in the text as a presence of sculptural of architectural pbjects which convey a recognizable urban reality which has a spatial frame for narrative or poetic writing. The emergence of literary panoramas in Russian literature is connected with the literary type of travel books (Karamzin's Moscow, for example). Turgenev shaped panormana of Venice in his novel 'on the Eve'. Consciously rejecdting the painting panorama, Turgenev romantically poeticizes Venice, a city on the lagoon. A multitude of poems dedicated to Italy and Venice was written at the time of the Russian Modernism (Bal'mont, Brusjov, Blok), often connected with the motif of dying. The acmeistic pair Ahmatova-Gumilev are "overcoming symbolism". Pasternak's 'Venice' contains not only an iconic, but also an auditory experience of the city on the canals, leaving behind the traditional eastheicized image of the city, which brings the poet closer to the avant-garde poetics. Mandel'štam's description of 'The Venetian Life, Dark and Barren' is not a panorama, and in it the author addresses the city itself, but it also contains the "Venetian" theme of death and dying.
Ključne riječi:vizualnost -- književne vedute
Signatura821.091 VIZ
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka komparativne književnosti, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Upit: UncontrolledTerms_swish=(vizualnost and not - knjievne vedute )
